What Comes Up When A Cop Runs Your Plates

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What Comes Up When a Cop Runs Your Plates?

I was driving home from work one night when I was pulled over by a police officer. I had no idea why I was being pulled over, but I handed over my license and registration to the officer. She ran my plates and came back to my window a few minutes later.

“You have a warrant out for your arrest,” she said.

I was shocked. I had no idea that I had a warrant out for my arrest. I asked the officer what the warrant was for, but she said she didn’t know. She told me that I would have to go to jail.

What is a warrant?

A warrant is a court order that authorizes a law enforcement officer to search a person, place, or thing. Warrants are typically issued when there is probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed or is about to be committed.

There are two types of warrants: arrest warrants and search warrants. An arrest warrant authorizes a law enforcement officer to arrest a person for a crime. A search warrant authorizes a law enforcement officer to search a person, place, or thing for evidence of a crime.

What happens when a cop runs your plates?

When a cop runs your plates, they are checking to see if there are any outstanding warrants for your arrest. They will also check to see if your vehicle is registered and insured.

If there is a warrant out for your arrest, the police officer will arrest you and take you to jail. You will be held in jail until you can see a judge.

What should you do if you are pulled over and the police officer tells you that there is a warrant out for your arrest?

If you are pulled over and the police officer tells you that there is a warrant out for your arrest, you should remain calm and polite. You should provide the officer with your identification and any other information they request.

If you believe that the warrant is invalid, you can ask to speak to a supervisor. You can also contact an attorney to help you challenge the warrant.

Tips for avoiding getting pulled over

There are a few things you can do to avoid getting pulled over:

  • Obey the speed limit.
  • Drive safely and avoid making any traffic violations.
  • Keep your vehicle registered and insured.
  • If you are pulled over, be polite and respectful to the police officer.

Expert advice

If you are concerned about getting pulled over, you can talk to an attorney. An attorney can help you understand your rights and protect you from being arrested or having your property searched.

You can also contact your local police department to learn more about their policies and procedures.


Q: What is the difference between an arrest warrant and a search warrant?

A: An arrest warrant authorizes a law enforcement officer to arrest a person for a crime. A search warrant authorizes a law enforcement officer to search a person, place, or thing for evidence of a crime.

Q: What should I do if I am pulled over and the police officer tells me that there is a warrant out for my arrest?

A: If you are pulled over and the police officer tells you that there is a warrant out for your arrest, you should remain calm and polite. You should provide the officer with your identification and any other information they request. If you believe that the warrant is invalid, you can ask to speak to a supervisor or contact an attorney.

Q: Can I get pulled over for no reason?

A: No. The police cannot pull you over without probable cause. Probable cause is a reasonable belief that a crime has been committed or is about to be committed.


Getting pulled over by the police can be a frightening experience. However, by understanding your rights and following the tips above, you can help to avoid getting pulled over and arrested.

If you are interested in learning more about your rights when interacting with the police, you can contact your local police department or an attorney.

What Do Cops See When They Run Your Plates? - Legal Definitions
Image: www.legaldefinitions.co

What do cops see when they run you? - YouTube
Image: www.youtube.com

Cop runs over kid intentionally, then calls supervisor who comes to the … Mar 9, 2024The bottom line is that when police run your licence plates, they have access to a variety of data on your car and its previous owner. This information includes specifics like the registered owner, the manufacturer and year of the car, its registration status, insurance coverage, any pending crimes, and any potential alarms like warrants or