Can You Put A Bathing Suit In The Dryer

Swimsuit Dryer | Automated Aquatics

Can You Put a Bathing Suit in the Dryer?

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably wondered whether or not you can put a bathing suit in the dryer. After all, bathing suits are made of delicate fabric, and the dryer’s heat bisa damage them. But what if you’re in a hurry and don’t have time to air-dry your bathing suits?

Can you bypass the dryer or not risk damaging your beloved bathing suit? In this article, we will dive deeper into the topic and explore the potential risks and benefits of putting various types of bathing suits in the dryer. We will also provide some tips for how to dry your bathing suits safely and effectively.

Bathing Suit Materials and Drying Techniques

The most important factor to consider when deciding whether or not to put a bathing suit in the dryer is the material. There are three main types of bathing suit materials: nylon, polyester, and spandex. Nylon and polyester are synthetic materials that are both relatively durable and can withstand the heat of a dryer. Spandex, on the other hand, is a more delicate material that can be easily damaged by heat. Therefore, it is generally not recommended to put bathing suits made of spandex in the dryer.

If you are unsure of the material of your bathing suit, it is always best to err on the side of caution and not put it in the dryer. After washing your bathing suit, it’s important to dry it properly. Air-drying is always the best option, as it is the gentlest on the fabric. However, if you need to dry your bathing suit quickly, you can put it in the dryer on a low heat setting. Be sure to remove the bathing suit from the dryer as soon as it is dry to prevent damage.

Risks of Putting a Bathing Suit in the Dryer

There are several risks to putting a bathing suit in the dryer, including:

  • Shrinking: The heat of the dryer can cause the bathing suit to shrink. This is especially true for bathing suits made of spandex.
  • Fading: The heat of the dryer can also cause the bathing suit to fade. This is especially true for bathing suits made of bright colors.
  • Damage to the fabric: The heat of the dryer can damage the fabric of the bathing suit. This can cause the bathing suit to become thin and weak.

Benefits of Putting a Bathing Suit in the Dryer

There are also some benefits to putting a bathing suit in the dryer, including:

  • Convenience: The dryer can dry a bathing suit quickly and easily. This is especially helpful if you need to dry your bathing suit quickly for a trip or an event.
  • Sanitization: The heat of the dryer can help to sanitize the bathing suit. This can be helpful if you have been swimming in a public pool or lake.

Expert Tips for Drying a Bathing Suit in the Dryer

If you do decide to put a bathing suit in the dryer, there are a few things you can do to help prevent damage:

  • Use a low heat setting: The lower the heat setting, the less likely the bathing suit is to be damaged.
  • Turn the bathing suit inside out: This will help to protect the fabric from the heat of the dryer.
  • Add a few towels to the dryer: This will help to absorb some of the heat and prevent the bathing suit from being damaged.
  • Remove the bathing suit from the dryer as soon as it is dry: Over-drying can damage the fabric of the bathing suit.

FAQ on Drying Bathing Suits

Q: Can I put all bathing suits in the dryer?

A: No, it is not recommended to put bathing suits made of spandex in the dryer, as the heat can damage the fabric.

Q: What is the best way to dry a bathing suit?

A: The best way to dry a bathing suit is to air-dry it. However, if you need to dry your bathing suit quickly, you can put it in the dryer on a low heat setting.

Q: How long should I put a bathing suit in the dryer?

A: You should only put a bathing suit in the dryer for as long as it takes to dry. Over-drying can damage the fabric of the bathing suit.


Whether or not you can put a bathing suit in the dryer depends on the material of the bathing suit. Bathing suits made of nylon or polyester can be put in the dryer on a low heat setting. However, bathing suits made of spandex should not be put in the dryer, as the heat can damage the fabric.

If you do decide to put a bathing suit in the dryer, be sure to follow the tips above to help prevent damage. Always refer to the care label on your bathing suit for specific drying instructions.

So, are you ready to conquer your fear of putting your bathing suit in the dryer? Share your experiences in the comments below!

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The Swimsuit Dryer Company

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